Classics is the study of the languages, culture, history, and thought of the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. It is one of the most varied and interdisciplinary of all subjects.

About the Classics Area of Concentration
Students of Classics study literature (epic, drama, historical writing, etc.), but they may also connect their study with history, archaeology, philosophy (both ancient and modern), religion, art history/criticism, and linguistics. Students of Classics develop strong analytical skills necessary for the study of ancient languages and foundational to a range of contemporary disciplines. Whether you want to learn languages, read literature, learn about early drama as both practice and art, explore the effect of the past on the present, or learn to apply science to arts, Classics has something for everyone. See Outcomes of Graduates from the Classics AOC
“I might not even be studying classics if it weren’t for the amazing classics department at New College.”
Margaret Anne Freeman (History and Classics)
2020 Graduate
Featured Course
LITR 2047
Greek and Roman Lyric Poetry
In this course, we will explore the world of the Greek and Roman lyric poets, including Sappho, Archilochus, Solon, Catullus, Horace, and Martial. Their short poems covered a wide variety of subjects: love and hate, politics and war, drinking and athletics, religion and death. And they evoke a wide range of emotions, including lust, humor, rage, and misery. The course will focus on close reading and analysis of these poems to understand their meaning and their artistry. We will also seek to understand the broader cultural context in which these poets wrote.
Recent Courses
- Advanced Latin: Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche
- Advanced Latin: Ovid, Metamorphoses
- Classical Mythology
- Elementary Homeric Greek I
- Greek and Roman Lyric Poetry
- Ancient Epic
- Greek Tragedy
- Love and Sex in the Ancient World
- Roman Civilization
Career Pathways
- Educator
- Library and information sciences
- Translation
- Museum work
- Law
- Medicine
Contact Us
Humanities Division
Phone Number
Email Address
Ace Academic Center 116
Classics Faculty
Dr. David Rohrbacher
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dr. Carl Shaw
Professor of Classics